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053 91 02467

As we now have 3 South African QS’s working for us here, we decided to join with them in celebrating their Heritage Day on the 24 th Sept to recognise and celebrate the cultural wealth of their nation. The tradition is to have a Braai (like a BBQ) and speciality meats and food.

Our 3 lads - Steyn, Henré and new boy Jurgen - got into the spirit of the festivities and introduced us all in the office to their favourite local food and a few beers. They introduced us to Boerewors sausages, and we introduced them to our own lovely black pudding. For all of us it was our first experience so it was a good trade.

We are delighted they have chosen to travel from South Africa and join us. They bring a wealth of experience and expertise so we as a team can expand the range of services we offer to our developers, funders and main contractors.

Dublin Office

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